If you’re self-employed and want to apply for a loan, proving your income can be trickier than working for a company. Lenders usually want to see proof of income to decide if you can get a loan, and if you’re Proof of Self Employment, it’s up to you to show that proof.

Here are some tips for Proof of Self Employment when you need a loan:

  1. Keep careful track of your money:
  2. Be prepare to provide multiple years of tax returns: 
  3. Consider getting an accountant to help with your financials: 
  4. Be prepare to explain any fluctuations in income:
  • Keep careful track of your money:

Anyone who works for themselves needs to keep detailed records of their income. It not only helps you stay organized and keep track of your money, but it also gives you important paperwork that you can use when applying for loans, mortgages, or other types of financial help.

There are a few important things to remember when it comes to keeping track of your income:

  • Keep all of your bills and receipts:

Remember to write every time you get paid for a product or service. This includes invoices, receipts, and any other paperwork showing the transaction’s date and amount.

  • Track your expenses:

It’s just as important to keep track of your income as it is to keep track of what you spend. Keep receipts and invoices for all business-related expenses, such as office supplies, equipment, and travel costs.

  • Use software for accounting:

Many kinds of accounting software can help you keep track of your income and expenses and stay organized. These programs can make making reports, sending out invoices, and keeping track of payments easier.

  • Keep your personal and business money separate:

It’s important to keep your money separate from your business money. This means you must keep your business money and credit cards separate. By keeping your money separate, you can better track your income and expenses and avoid confusion when filing your taxes or applying for a loan.

  • Keep tax returns for at least three years:

The IRS says that tax returns and other important financial documents should be kept for at least three years. This means that you must keep track of your tax returns, W-2s, 1099s, and any other important tax documents.

  • Be prepare to provide multiple years of tax returns: 

Lenders may want to see your tax returns from the past few years to get a clear picture of how much money you’ve made over time. Ensure you have copies of your tax returns and any relevant schedules and forms from the last two or three years.

If you are self-employed and want a loan, the lender may ask for your tax returns from the last few years to prove you have made enough money. This is because your income can change yearly, and lenders want to understand better how financially stable you are. Here are some things you can do to get ready for this requirement:

  • Keep extra copies of your tax forms:

Ensure you have copies of the last two or three years’ tax returns. This includes all schedules and forms, like Schedule C if you’re a sole proprietor or Form 1120 if you have a corporation.

  • Don’t lose track of any changes:

If you had to change any of your tax returns, make sure you have copies of both the original and changed returns. Lenders might ask for both, so having them on hand is important.

Be ready to explain any differences. If your income changes from year to year or if there are any differences, be ready to explain them. This could be due to changes in how you run your business, a drop in demand for your services, or any personal issues affecting your income.

  • Think about working with a tax pro:

If you don’t feel comfortable doing your taxes or need help planning your taxes, you should hire a tax pro. They can help you fill out your tax returns and advise on paying the least taxable amount possible.

  • Keep up with the latest tax laws:

Tax laws change constantly, so it’s important to know about any changes that could affect your business. This means knowing what tax deductions and credits you can use and keeping up with any changes to tax rates or deadlines.

  • Consider getting an accountant to help with your Proof of Self Employment: 

When you work for yourself, keeping track of your money can take a lot of work. You are in charge of running your business and keeping accurate records of your income and expenses, paying your taxes, and managing your cash flow. If you’re unsure you can do all these things alone, you should hire an accountant or bookkeeper to help you. Here are some explanations:

  • They can help you keep things in order:

An accountant or bookkeeper can help you keep track of your income and expenses, ensure that all your financial records are correct and up-to-date, and make reports that give you a clear picture of your financial health.

  • They can help you plan for your taxes:

A professional accountant can show you how to keep your tax bill as low as possible and ensure you take advantage of all deductions and Proof of Self Employment. They can also help you deal with any tax problems that come up.

  • They can help you make smart financial decisions:

 An accountant or bookkeeper can help you make smart decisions about your business by giving you accurate and up-to-date financial information. This can include everything from how to set prices to how to choose investments.

  • They can help you get ready for loan applications:

If you’re trying to get a loan, having a professional handle your finances can ease any worries; lenders may have about your financial stability. An accountant or bookkeeper can show you Proof of Self Employment help you make financial statements, and ensure that all your financial records are in order.

  • They can help you save time and feel less stressed: 

Managing your money can take a lot of time and stress, especially if you don’t know much about accounting and tax laws. If you hire a professional, you can focus on running your business while they care for the finances.

  • Be prepare to explain any fluctuations in Proof of Self Employment income: 

If you work for yourself, it’s common for your income to change from year to year. Even though this is a normal part of being self-employed, it can make lenders nervous when you want to borrow money. To ease these worries, you should be ready to discuss any changes in your Proof of Self Employment and how you plan to keep your income stable. Here are some things you can do to help:

  • Keep track of what you earn:

Keeping detailed records of your money can help you find patterns or trends in making money. This can help you plan for any possible changes and prepare for them.

  • Explain any drops in your income:

If your income went down one year, be ready to say why. This could be because the economy is slowing down, fewer people need your services, or you had a personal problem that made it hard for you to work.

  • Explain any big jumps in your income:

 If your income has gone up a lot in one year, be ready to explain why. This could be because you got a big contract or added a lot of new clients.

  • Give a plan for keeping your income steady:

Lenders want to see that you plan to keep your Proof of Self Employment steady in the future. This could mean getting a wider range of customers, offering more services, or using marketing to bring in new business.

Highlight your experience and qualifications. If your income changes for reasons you can’t control, like economic changes, show that you can handle these changes by highlighting your experience and qualifications.

Also read: Understand What You Can and Can’t Do with the Property


It can be hard to prove your income as a self-employed person, but it’s possible. By keeping detailed records, being ready to show tax returns from multiple years, and having a professional handle your finances, you can increase your chances of getting a loan based on your Proof of Self Employment income.

Get a personal consultation for your Proof of Income documents’ need.